This quality manual for external suppliers (hereinafter referred to as the Manual) has been developed taking into account the commercial activities of TMH JSC, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, international standards, the terms of contracts for the supply of inventory items and contains the main principles for external suppliers to ensure and develop the quality of the supplied inventory items taking into account the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 “Quality management systems. Requirements” and ISO 22163-2023 “Railways. ISO 9001-2015 quality management system and specific requirements for use in the railway industry”.
The purpose of this Manual is to inform suppliers about the principles of ensuring the supply of high-quality inventory items that affect the quality and reliability of the Main Products manufactured by TMH Group companies.
External suppliers are informed of the principles set out in this Guide by: posting this Guide on the official website of TMH JSC in the Commercial Activity/Suppliers section https://tmholding.ru/commercial_activity/provider/; posting this Guide in the Supplier Account service; including this Guide as an appendix to the contract for the supply of inventory items when concluded with TMH Group companies.