Vocational Guidance
We are sure that vocational guidance can play a critical role in tackling many of the most pressing challenges that the world is faced with today, such as youth unemployment, social inclusion, and competitiveness.
We believe that we need a comprehensive approach to solve these problems and place special emphasis on the prevention of such phenomena. This is why we offer high school students a closer look at production process and perhaps they will later opt for a job at an engine manufacturing plant.
We will share history of PDE and how our company has become a high-tech, cutting-edge enterprise that combines the use of state-of-the-art equipment with care for the environment.
We look forward to giving our young visitors a guided tour of PDE where the students and their teachers can experience one of the most modern and well-equipped plant not only in the region, but also in the country.
Our experts can take part in homeroom meetings at your school and answer your students’ questions. Perhaps this event will become a determining factor in the young people’s future career choices. If you would like to invite our specialist, please specify if you have technical capabilities to show a presentation or a video about our company.
To get more information and schedule a visit to our factory, please contact us at o.deputatova@tmh.international.